Saturday, November 10, 2007


My name-- doesn't matter. Where I live-- unnecessary. I'm just another 20-something female living in the United States. There is only one major distinguishing factor to my life that is relevant to this particular blog. I am, in fact, living with herpes. I stress living. Despite what 95% of what is out there tells you, life goes on after being diagnosed with an STD. I agree playing up the need to being safe sexually to avoid contracting such things is the best tactic. The best reason not to have sex for as long as you can wait. But as I've found once your infected your left on your own about how to conduct your life. Some going as far as giving the leper treatment. There has to be more out there for someone with a disease to hold on to as far as realizing you still are a human being. With all the rejection and blame that is put on to those living STDs, more has to be said to assure a person that they are still normal. So let this be my addition to the world.

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